EKRAN is now assisting the Czech JUSTICE Department

EKRAN is now assisting the Czech JUSTICE Department

At a time of increasing cybersecurity risks, most organisations need to take some kind of action. Government is specific, but it needs to go really deep in its protection. Some time ago, we helped a department of the Ministry of Justice, the Czech JUSTICE, to implement the EKRAN tool. How is it helping them now? Our case study presents the details.

The Ministry of Justice needed advanced monitoring of IT system administrators’ activities

At the very beginning it is necessary to present that this official district includes all the execution of Czech law, i.e. the activities of courts, prosecutors, prison service, police and other units. These individual units are independent legal entities and the management of their IT is to some extent independent. However, the management of cyber security is covered by the headquarters. It is therefore looking for rather multi-tenanted tools that can be used comfortably and fully by the different organisational units.

EKRAN allows you to keep track of who is doing what on servers, and when:

It logs the activities of administrators, allows their back-auditing and the possibility to pair each action in the system with a specific person, evaluates the behaviour and determines its riskiness.

Read our case study where we summarize the benefits and give an overview of the features of the delivered solution!

Download here: Bezpečnostní dohled nad činnostmi administrátorů pro resort JUSTICE