Innovative, yet still traditional
We provide a variety of IT services and have a large team. Whatever we do, we never compromise on our values, which include expertise, the importance of relationships and functional solutions.
What we pride ourselves on
Our work is based on expertise
We are a family business
We make IT simple and human
You’ve been able to rely on us since 1994
We’ve been on the market for a long time and despite these hectic times, we haven’t given up on our traditional values. First of all come honesty and confidentiality of information. We know that partner relationships can’t be built without decency and mutual respect and that the modern world cannot function without taking the surrounding society into account and accepting responsibility.
We introduce and operate useful technologies
Whether this is making the government accessible (sending e-government orders), simplifying commercial processes (by introducing our own ParcelBox solution), providing cybernetic security or implementing technologies within a broad range of organisations, we always want to increase efficiency and provide extra value to our clients as well as the end users of the solution.
Look back on our 25th anniversary with us
Experience, backed by action

“Family. That’s one way you could also describe our company, DATASYS, founded by my parents in 1994. We’ve always tried to be partners to our customers, to understand their business and bring them new ideas and vision. We think that a handshake is more than just a contract and that’s how we build our whole approach. You only have one name. For me personally, it’s been a great honour to continue with the family tradition. I’m sure that we and our customers have lots of success ahead of us. This is just the beginning.”
Bc. Martin Novák Son of the founders and sales director

We support interesting projects
We take part in various charitable and meaningful projects.

We have gained important certifications
Our qualities and credibility are backed up by recognised documents.