Introducing a new product: the DS Crisis Information Centre

Introducing a new product: the DS Crisis Information Centre

Threats to the health of employees, production interruptions, delayed service intervention… These and other situations can negatively affect the operation of organizations and disrupt their business. The solution can be simple – based on a KIC information system connected to monitoring elements including IoT and communication services. That’s how our new product works, in a nutshell. 

Go to for a comprehensive introduction to KIC.

A solution that helps prevent crises

It builds on top of existing software and technologies, such as IoT devices, safety sensors and more, and enables centralized management of crises, as well as process and operational situations. If any monitoring system detects the need to inform the group at risk or the appropriate responders, KIC will quickly and reliably relay the message to them. It is thus particularly suitable for:

  •     companies operating in more complex premises, 
  •     companies with partially or fully automated production, 
  •     organisations supplying their technology to customers, 
  •     entities with an increased risk of attack, 
  •     projects providing services to a large number of users. 

It helps such organisations protect the property and health of their employees, as well as solving potential and ongoing faults in the supplied technologies or production lines.

It works simply

The system receives information from multiple sources, e.g. IoT sensors, panic buttons, automated evaluation sensors, etc. It evaluates this information based on defined scenarios and then sends feedback messages to contact persons. 

The scenarios are set individually for each operation and situation, as is the selection of the individual information channels. The KIC calls into action via SMS, IM, DataSMS, voice call, loudspeaker, etc. 

It can save lives and resources

The solution helps secure information distribution in crisis situationsIt significantly reduces damage and protects society’s most valuable asset – human lives. But this is not the only added value. Its mission is to prevent financial losses due to company shutdowns. It also guards critical infrastructure elements. Sudden events with it have clear solutions. 

Solve crisis situations with predefined scenarios and campaigns. KIC helps in a simple, efficient, easy-to-use way and emphasizes ergonomics. 

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